I’m a Doctor
Charles Clinic has developed a reputation for comprehensive, personalised and compassionate service.
It is the region’s largest provider of Echo and Non-invasive diagnostic services. We continue to be one of the most progressive regional Cardiology practices in Australia and are building a national reputation for innovation and service delivery.
Referral Process
We welcome urgent referrals. If you would like a patient to be seen urgently please mark the referral as urgent and/or contact the Clinic and request to speak with the Operations Manager.
Unstable patients with chest pain or ECG features of acute ischaemia should be referred directly to your local hospital via Ambulance.
Referrals can be submitted via the website by completing the form below, sent electronically (Healthlink or Argus), or faxed to the clinic on 03 6334 2424. All referrals are reviewed and appointments made for the patients based on urgency. If the referral is urgent please advise us via the Doctors Direct Line – 0477 163 845
Our Team
Charles Clinic staff members are dynamic, innovative and focused on providing exceptional care to our patients.
We have a supportive team environment and actively encourage personal development across all our staff.